Moyston Primary School staff are a committed team that provide a caring environment, supporting students to thrive, learn and grow. The partnership between students, parents and the wider community is focused on maximising each student's individual potential. Our curriculum reflects a high regard for literacy and numeracy, with Information and Communication Technologies integrated across all curriculum areas. Many of our enrichment activities focus on student health and well-being. This supports the significant sporting culture that exists in our local community.
Active participation is encouraged at Moyston Primary School we include our parents in all aspects of school life. We work towards establishing a school culture that demonstrates an effective 'Learning Community'. Our school offers an attractive, safe, stimulating learning environment where interpersonal relationships and individual well being is a key priority.
Active participation is encouraged at Moyston Primary School we include our parents in all aspects of school life. We work towards establishing a school culture that demonstrates an effective 'Learning Community'. Our school offers an attractive, safe, stimulating learning environment where interpersonal relationships and individual well being is a key priority.